September 13, 2024
Fr. Brad Hagelin

My dear Kirkland Catholics,

I am grateful that there has been openness to this journey of Partners in the Gospel we are now embarking upon in earnest.  As summer winds to a close, with school and programs starting, and consultative groups beginning to meet, it feels like SJV and HFK are out of the gates and beginning the work of becoming one parish in about three years.

I want to be very clear at the outset that I am truly and honestly coming into this process with no preconceived ideas of what this is going to look like down the road.  Archbishop is absolutely right that “the status quo is no longer an option,” but I have no idea what a new normal is supposed to be yet.  So…together we must be flexible and open.  A brother priest said that if this is to be truly the work of the Holy Spirit we will both challenged and surprised by the outcome.  To put it another way, if we are not challenged or surprised then it certainly is NOT the Lord’s work we are doing, and we need to do some deep reflection.

The only real changes made so far this year is that we are combining adult Sacraments of Initiation: RCIA now called OCIA – the whole combined group will meet at HFK first semester, then at SJV  second semester; and then a separate Adult Confirmation in the spring details TBD.  I am discerning what it might look like to have a combined youth Confirmation program so that I could be personally involved (I was primary youth Confirmation teacher at my last parish) because my schedule would not permit me to be much involved in two separate programs.  We are also currently looking to hire a Pastoral Associate who would be the first shared employee between the two parishes.

Our councils, all youth faith formation and Sacraments, and everything else is remaining separate for now though our Youth Groups may overlap.  We will take everything slow, and not “get ahead of the Lord.”  Please consistently pray for wisdom and counsel for everyone, especially staff and key leaders in the parishes, specifically for discernment as to what the Lord’s plan is and how to execute it faithfully as we go.

With love in Christ,

Fr. Brad