February 16, 2025
My dear Kirkland Catholics,
This is an update regarding Partners in the Gospel with a prayer request.
This first year of the three year timeline of our parishes becoming one parish family has been mostly “get to know you” – both getting to know me and Fr. Val, but more importantly beginning to get to know the other parish. A lot of folks have told me it appears nothing is happening. But movement is coming, and you will be hearing a lot more about concrete steps in the coming months.
We are in the process of forming the Parish Family Advisory Council (PFAC) which will be representative of leadership groups of both parishes (Parish Council, Finance Council, etc.) and a few other parishioners. I hope to have the members ready to go by June at the latest so that we can begin meeting and begin to work towards the “One Parish Plan.” This document will include proposals about coming together in the myriad aspects of parish life so both campuses can work together.
There is going to be a lot of consultation and opportunity for input from parishioners through surveys and meetings. We hope you will participate fully. In August of 2027 we are supposed to have chosen our new parish name (each campus will still often be referred to as HFK/SJV respectively) and by October of 2027 we are required to have submitted our “One Parish Plan” to the Presbyteral Council and Archbishop for review.
As I have told many of you, I very honestly have no designs or preconceived idea about outcomes. I am open, and plan to mostly listen and respond rather than direct as we move forward. If you want to know how to help, I’d ask you to stay informed, complete surveys when they come out, and attend public meetings when they are offered. Finally, please pray. If you would like a specific way to pray for this process, I have composed a “Parish Renewal Prayer” specific to our family that we will put out as bookmarks for you to take home and add to your daily prayers if you wish. Thank you!
With love in Christ,
Fr. Brad