March 16, 2025
Fr. Brad Hagelin

My dear Kirkland Catholics,

I always make a push each year for Catholics who have not done the full Triduum to consider doing so. Attending at least Holy Thursday and Good Friday in addition to one Easter Mass (even if not the Easter Vigil itself) was a tradition in my family. The reason being my dad was a convert and RCIA (now called OCIA) candidates & catechumens are highly encouraged to attend Holy Thursday and Good Friday in addition to the Easter Vigil where they would receive their Sacraments and be initiated into the Church. Each year, then, was a re-living of my dad’s coming into the church and was something we did not miss. Even as a kid and teen, I don’t remember “pushing back” at attending these two optional liturgies because I think I knew deep down somewhere Easter would feel incomplete without being on hand for Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

Back to the first sentence of this column. I have never known someone who articulated that they “regretted” attending these liturgies, and for many Catholics who for the first time chose to attend Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil once – Holy Thursday and Good Friday henceforth become something they choose to attend each year they are able because they get so much out of it. It is such a deeper “immersion” in the holiest week of the year, as we accompany those who will be immersed in the waters of Baptism at Easter.

Long preamble to encourage you to consider attending the Holy Thursday and Good Friday at Holy Family this year if you are able, ESPECIALLY if you have never done so, or if it has been a long time. Put it on your calendars: Holy Thursday and Good Friday are both celebrated at 7:00 PM, and Easter Vigil this year begins at 8:30 PM – the time varying each year because it needs to be dark outside before this special “Super Bowl” Mass of the year begins. I believe we are disposed to receive more of what the Lord desires us to receive in the Easter season if we try to make a good finale of Lent and attending Holy Thursday and Good Friday if we are able, is the best finale.

Be assured of my prayers as we continue into this Lenten season.

With love in Christ,

Fr. Brad