The process through which non-baptized adults or baptized adults of a different Christian denomination may enter into Full Communion with the Catholic Church is called Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA).
There are Inquirers’ Sessions for those who would like to start their exploration of the Catholic Church. These inquiry sessions are held on Wednesday evenings. You may find this video helpful, How Do I Become Catholic? If you are interested in attending, please contact Julie Klinkenberg.
We accompany you through:
(1) The initial stages of asking and seeking;
(2) Starting involvement with the Catholic people;
(3) Hearing the Gospel proclaimed and by faithful reflection and prayer on this Word of God;
(4) Study and discussion about Catholic experience;
(5) Doubts and hesitations;
(6) Individual discernment of God’s call for you;
(7) The steps of commitment;
(8) The sacraments of initiation:
(Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)
Those who:
(1) Are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church;
(2) Have never celebrated baptism;
(3) Have celebrated Baptism in another faith and are interested in the Catholic Church;
(4) Are baptized Catholics who have not yet received Eucharist or Confirmation;
(5) Or, are married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but just need to know the next step to become a Catholic

RCIA and Sacramental Preparation for Teens
This is an ongoing process for students in grades 7-12 who are seeking full initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) into the Catholic Church or who have not yet received First Reconciliation or First Eucharist. Teens meet as a small group with a catechist, who prepares them for reception of the sacraments. Teens also attend weekly LIFE Nights to aid in their catechetical formation. For more information, contact Cathleen Ito

RCIA for Children
This is an ongoing process for children, seven years to twelve years old (6th grade), who have not been baptized or have been baptized in another faith tradition and wish to become Catholic. This yearly process provides children with a basic understanding of their faith as well as prepares them for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information, contact Julie Klinkenberg.