Community Ministries

Holy Family Young Adults is a group of young adults in our 20’s and 30’s whose mission is to know and love Jesus Christ, to follow him as disciples, and to build up his Catholic Church, which is the family of God. We do this by   worshiping and praying together, growing in genuine friendships with one another, serving our community together, increasing our knowledge of our Catholic faith, and evangelizing others by personally inviting them to lead lives transformed by the joy of the Gospel.  For more information, visit the Young Adults page, or contact Cathleen Ito at

Forever Young gather together from all walks of life (grandparents, singles, couples, widowed) to connect seniors for spirited fun socializing, day trips and tours, ministry to the parish, sharing of traditions, and creating connections to God among family members. For more information, contact Jodi Ruhl at

Holy Family Café Ministers help create an environment of warmth, welcome and friendship every Sunday.  The Café is a great place for people to share their faith and fellowship. The BEST coffee in town and a variety of delicious and healthy breakfast choices are available to enjoy. Volunteers set up before Masses, clean up after the Masses, setup the food and beverages and greet parishioners after each Mass.  To volunteer as a Café Minister please contact Andrea Liggett,

Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization that offers men an opportunity to work together in building the Body of Christ through the principles of unity, charity, fraternity, and patriotism. Some of the ways the council actively supports Holy Family Parish are: Pancake Breakfasts, Crab Feed, Parish Picnic, and Seminarian Support. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. For more information on the Knights, visit, or contact Bill Webb,

Hispanic Ministry Members of this ministry assist the parish with celebrations from their Hispanic culture.  If interested, please contact Andrea Liggett,

Welcome Ministry is looking for volunteers to welcome visitors and new parishioners to Holy Family.  They host a welcome table on the first weekend of each month, greet at the doors after all Masses, attend neighborhood gatherings, newly organized by Father Bryan.  All ages and families are welcome and encouraged to join.  The commitment ranges from 20 minutes to 2 hours, once a month with no experience necessary.  For more information, contact Michele Ahearn at or 206-409-1618.

Fun, Faith & Friendship Women’s Ministry invites the women from our parish community for quarterly gatherings to celebrate faith-filled friendships.  Events include luncheons, game nights, guest speakers and more. Send an email to to find out when the next event will be.

Parish Office Assistance provides occasional help with parish mailings, reception desk support, collection counters and other office projects. For more information, please contact Karen Reinke,

American Heritage Girls is chartered by the Parish as one of our youth programs and is open to all girls from 5 to 18 years old.  AHG is a Christ-centered character development youth ministry dedicated to its mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.  Girls will have opportunities for outdoor experiences, earning badges, and serving the community.  For more information contact Cindy Sarinyamas at

Boy Scout Troop 615 is chartered by the parish as one of our youth programs and is open to all boys from 11-18 years old. The aim of scouting is to prepare youth to make ethical and moral choices throughout their lives and is delivered through a program of achievement and outdoor activities. For more  information contact Martyn Mallick,

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Sports exists to provide opportunities for parish youth to participate in athletic activities under conditions that are safe, enjoyable, and promote the Christian attitudes of fair play and cooperation. All eligible youth are given the opportunity to participate without try-outs or “cuts”. Coaches are always needed.  Training will be provided. Adult sports programs are available as well.  For more information, contact Milo Magnano,