Faith Sharing Ministries
Legion of Mary brings weekly Communion to home bound parishioners and meets weekly for formation and prayer. For more information, contact the Parish Office, 425-822-0295.
Men’s Ministry is a program that is open to all men and is designed to help us become better husbands, fathers and leaders in the community. Our meetings are held in the Social Hall every Wednesday morning from 6:00-7:30am. These gatherings consist of breakfast, a video presentation and group discussions. There is no pre-planning and no homework; just show up and enjoy! For more information contact Bob Wilson,
Women in Conversation Ministry is open to all women who are interested in growing closer to God. In small groups we share stories, focus on everyday spirituality, and support one other as treasured daughters of God. Gatherings last 90 minutes. To learn more about specific dates and times, email and one of the women will contact you.
Lighthouse Prayer Ministry is a place for people to receive prayer. “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God” (Phil 4:6). For more information about becoming a trained prayer minister who provide people a safe place for 1:1 prayer, contact
Prayer Line is a group of people committed to combining their prayer energies on behalf of those in need. They answer God’s call to service by volunteering time in prayer for others. For more information, contact Robert Kay,
Monday Bible Study Groups participate in a specific scripture study beginning each Fall and meet weekly both in person and online. Morning and evening study groups are available. Please contact Michele Ahearn or John Sullivan at for more information.