Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers assist the priest during Sunday Mass and other liturgies.  Any child 4th grade and up, or adults, may participate.  This ministry is an ideal way to serve the community as part of the Sacrifice of the Mass. For more information, contact Meghan Magnano at

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist with the preparation and distribution of the Eucharist at Mass.  Being an active participant in the liturgical life of the parish is required.  Ideally, each minister would serve one Mass at their preferred time each month. For more information, contact Kristy Rudolph,

Lectors boldly proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and Holy Day liturgies.  A lector workbook is provided to prepare the upcoming Scripture readings.  This ministry also tries to schedule lectors one time each month at their preferred Mass. For more information, contact Bill Webb,

Mass Facilitators provide oversight of and assistance to all the other ministers at Mass, locate substitute ministers when those scheduled fail to appear, are the “go-to” person for all ministers and parishioners at Mass and fill in for absent ministers when unable to locate substitutes. The time commitment is arriving 30 minutes prior to Mass and staying 30 minutes after Mass, for those weekends assigned. For more information, contact John Thonssen,

Ushers provide a welcoming environment at weekend liturgies, greet and seat parishioners and visitors, take up the collection, see that offertory gifts are brought to the altar, distribute weekly bulletins, tidy up the church after Mass, and assist with various situations that arise.  Children, third grade and older, are welcome to participate with their parents. Ideally, each volunteer is scheduled once a month at their preferred Mass time. For more information, contact Dave Jones,

Chapel Candles  Help maintain our prayer candle stand in the adoration chapel.  For more information, contact Andrea Liggett,

Church Cleaners  Tasks may include dusting, oiling pews, erasing pencil and crayon marks, picking up papers and adding envelopes to pews. This ministry is great for families, parish organizations or anyone who wants to see the church sparkle. For more information, contact Andrea Liggett,

Church Flowers provides weekly and seasonal floral arrangements for our liturgies.  Amateurs and professionals are involved.  Pair up with one of them and help decorate our church on an occasional basis.  Can also help with care of the plants.  Special help is needed at Christmas and Easter.  There are jobs of all types for all skill levels.  For more information, contact Andrea Liggett,

Church Linens provides pickup, laundering, ironing and return of linens used at Mass monthly. Time is critical to ensure that there is an adequate amount of linens for each weekend. For more information, contact Andrea Liggett,

Perpetual Adoration is offered at Holy Family every hour of the week (24×7). It takes community and commitment to make this happen. Please consider offering one hour each week of your time to the Lord in prayer. All are welcome to drop in anytime between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM.  Must be a registered parishioner to adore at other hours.  For more information, contact Mary Joan Nash,

Feast Day Decorators  Help to decorate and prepare the church for Christmas and Easter. This is a great family activity.   For more information, contact Andrea Liggett,

Quilters group makes linens and liturgical banners for the church.  Quilters support the Grief Ministry program and donates quilts to children’s charities and other causes.  Quilting experience is not necessary.  Quilters meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 1:00pm to 4:00pm in the Parish Center.   For more information, contact Andrea Liggett,