Outreach And Social Justice Ministries

Shelter Meal Program provides a meal to low-income people at a local shelter on the first Thursday of every month. Volunteers help prepare the food in the Social Hall kitchen and deliver. Meal preparation begins at 3:30 and the evening ends by 7:30. Homemade cookies are also needed to serve with the meal. Contact Wes and Julia Proudlove at jproudlove@cpahsa.com.

Mental Health Ministry provides programs to educate and support people affected by mental illness.  For more information, contact Andrea Liggett, andrea@hfkparish.org.

Respect Life Committee works to raise awareness of the unique value of every human life, from conception to natural death, seeing each person as God’s gift. We are involved in specific projects in the life of the Church. Our continuing education and service to the church and in the community, is also important. Prayer life among us is top priority. Interested? Contact Bill Webb, wil.liam.webb@comcast.net.

Prepares is a project of the bishops in the State of Washington. The Prepares network provides meaningful support to vulnerable Washington families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and up to age 5. The goal of the bishops is to have a Prepares group in EVERY parish. Want to help? Contact Pam Gunderson at bobpamgunderson@gmail.com.

Rosary Makers gather on the last Wednesday of the month to make rosaries for missions, prisons, soldiers and anyone else who needs them.  All supplies are provided, and no experience is necessary. For more information, contact Andrea Liggett, andrea@hfkparish.org.

Sack Lunch Program at Holy Family Kirkland provides 90 sack lunches every Friday to Bakhita Gardens Women’s Shelter.  In order to accomplish this mission, we have two groups of volunteers.  The first group are the people that set up the lunch bags on Thursdays in the HFK kitchen and fill them with water bottles, fruit, cookies, chips, a napkin, and occasionally a few other things.   All the supplies needed to pack the bags are provided by the ministry through donations and purchases.  Usually, one volunteer or family does this job each week.  The second group of volunteers make sandwiches at their homes.  Each volunteer makes 30 sandwiches and brings them into the HFK kitchen on Friday mornings where they are received and added into the lunch bag.   There are two options for the sandwich makers.  Either the ministry can provide the bread, meat, and cheese for the volunteer to make the sandwiches, or the volunteer can obtain their own ingredients to make the sandwiches.  Each volunteer can add condiments of their choosing to the sandwiches. Those volunteers that want the ministry to provide the sandwich makings, pick up their supplies in the HFK kitchen on Thursday mornings.

If you have questions about this ministry or would like to join, please contact Jeannine Gilmer at jeannine.gilmer@comcast.net or Dianne Osmialowski at deolow6@gmail.com

Shared Blessings Meals Ministry looks for volunteers willing to cook for parishioners in need (i.e. new baby, illness, death in the family, etc.). Volunteers receive an email when someone is requesting meals and can sign up for a date to cook and deliver a meal. There are no meetings to attend or long-term commitments to make. Contact Christina Jones at joneschristinamarie@yahoo.com.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul a Catholic lay organization leads participants to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person outreach to those who are needy and suffering. Volunteers go on home visits to meet the people in need in their homes.  Volunteers always go in twos as Jesus sent his disciples.  For information on volunteering with SVDP, send an email to: hfksvdp@hotmail.com.

Care for Creation Responding to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, we work to educate ourselves & others about how the way we live affects the planet and humanity and to practice and promote actions that are beneficial to the Common Good and all God’s creation.  We
have recycling events, presentations, field trips and more. Contact Andrea Liggett, andrea@hfkparish.org.

Thanksgiving Community Dinner a restaurant style community meal on Thanksgiving Day for those who would otherwise be alone or go without.  Many volunteers are needed the day of, as well as prepping the week before. For information on volunteering or to make a donation, send an email to: hfkthanksgiving@gmail.com.

Advent Giving Tree The parish giving trees are placed in the narthex on Thanksgiving Day. You can help by creating and placing the gift tags, collecting the gifts, sorting and wrapping.  Contact Andrea Liggett, andrea@hfkparish.org.

Furniture Ministry Volunteers are needed to help pick up and deliver furniture donations for people coming out of homelessness.  People who have access to a pickup truck are invited to join.  We can always use strong helpers to move furniture.  Contact Andrea Liggett, andrea@hfkparish.org.